Resources for Pastors

As a pastor, when people have faced a crisis, a difficult question, or a victory to celebrate, you’ve been there for them. But who is there for you? It’s your responsibility to proclaim the Word of God, protect the Church, celebrate the sacraments, and shepherd the congregation. But what happens when there is trouble? When marriage hits the rocks? When a board meeting ends with shouting? Continue reading...

If you’ve been a pastor for longer than a moment, you’ve quickly learned that we need each other. We need spiritual support and growth. We need emotional reinforcements. And we need professional development.

Thankfully, pastors are in a position to encourage each other in faith and ministry. We can extend grace to one another, while holding each other accountable. We can pray for each other’s needs and challenges.

There are unique struggles and pressures in pastoral ministry. Do you have a safe space where you can share vulnerabilities and seek guidance? Have you found empathy, comfort, and advice in other trustworthy pastors? Where do you look for insights and best practices? With whom do you collaborate for joint initiatives?

You’ve heard stories of pastors who have burnt out. The stress became too much. The conflict remained unresolved. The false accusations mounted. And hope dissipated. Are you prepared for these kinds of challenging seasons? You’ll need a network of support to navigate conflict in the congregation, to offer unbiased perspectives, and to keep you in check.

These peer relationships with other pastors lead to deep friendships, additional learning opportunities, sharing resources, and challenging one another to pursue excellence. It can rekindle the values and calling that first led you to give your life in pastoral ministry. This is what I want you to have. It’s what you need. And I hope it’s part of what you’ll find in the resources listed here.


When Pain is Part of Ministry—Is God Calling you

When Pain is Part of Ministry—Is God Calling you?

The church can be hurtful. I used to think it shouldn’t be that way. But I’ve since changed my mind. Let me explain. You see, in order for the church to be doing what God has designed us to do—make disciples—we must constantly be reaching out to and inviting in broken people. And those broken people act out in hurtful ways. Certainly, church members should know better. And those in leadership must. But guests? Outsiders? We should expect...

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A Fast Way to Get Denied

A Fast Way to Get Denied

Picture this: Jesus, the ultimate influencer drops the hottest commandment of the season—deny yourself. It’s so cutting-edge, even hipsters wouldn’t touch it. I mean, who denies themselves anything these days? It’s both countercultural and vastly ignored by many who take the name Christian. Yet it’s straight from the Lord himself. But why and how are we supposed to do this?...

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How to Make a Free Digital Church Bulletin

How to Make a Free Digital Church Bulletin

Communication is central to the tools of the Church. Often, this includes a weekly bulletin. When it comes to the print version, Church leadership can use a printed bulletin to welcome guests, serve up event info hotter than a fresh cup of church coffee, provide an order of worship, announcements, prayer requests, contact information, and sermon notes. But what about a digital bulletin? There are a number of reasons you might consider using a digital bulletin...

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The Unstuck Church Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions for The Unstuck Church

Is your church growing or declining? Tony Morgan's book, The Unstuck Church describes ways to identify where your church is and how to get unstuck. These questions facilitate discussion...

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You’re Doing It Wrong: 7 Terrible Ways People Use QR Codes

You’re Doing It Wrong: 7 Terrible Ways People Use QR Codes

There’s a problem with QR codes: some churches are using them all wrong. You’re smarter than those people though, right? Here’s a list of wrong ways to use QR codes so you know what to avoid...

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The Art of Pastoral Transition: Leading Through Successive Change

The Art of Pastoral Transition: Leading Through Successive Change

You’ve likely read about more than one church that experienced significant trouble during leadership transition due to lack of succession planning. One thinks of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, and Mars Hill in Seattle, Washington. Each of these famously known...

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Imagine a barren field, dry, uncultivated, lifeless, waiting to be transformed into a garden. Church planting sows seeds of hope and new life in the most unlikely places. It is a bold strategy that embraces the challenges and celebrates the rewards of nurturing a new church from its beginning.

In this text, we begin the captivating exploration of the Holy Spirit’s power through Church planting, uncovering inspiration, effective strategies, and transforming potential. Join Steve Baney - pastor and missiologist - where ordinary people become catalysts of extraordinary change, where seeds of faith take root and grow in the most unexpected ways.

The purpose of this book is to stir your thinking and equip you with better questions and tools as you consider Church planting as a strategy of making disciples.

Get your copy today of Seeds: Cultivating New Disciples through Church Planting by Steve Baney, PhD.

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Risking Leadership: Training Timothy for today’s church

Risking Leadership: Training Timothy for today’s church

Leadership is no simple task. To lead in a godly way involves a considerable amount of risk. Paul understood this truth when the Holy Spirit inspired him to write his first letter to his disciple, Timothy. By studying Timothy’s ministry (as recorded in Acts) and the instruction he received from Paul, we have...

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BEST SELLER: Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions For Worship Leaders and Teams

BEST SELLER: Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions For Worship Leaders and Teams

You are a worship leader. Whether you're holding a microphone, playing a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, the example you set can either lead people toward worship or away from it. The question isn't whether you will lead people; it's where you will lead them....

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Ready... Set... (Seven Devotions For Short-Term Mission Teams)

Ready... Set... (Seven Devotions For Short-Term Mission Teams)

You are invited to go on an exciting adventure to places that reach beyond this world! The journey will be difficult. And the cost will seem great. But you'll see new places, meet new people, and you might encounter God in a new way! What is this exciting adventure? It's a short-term mission trip....

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How to Pray for Enemies

Ideas for Prayer

Jesus commanded us to pray for our enemies. But how do we even do that? This list of ideas will get you started, including biblical texts to demonstrate each idea.

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Six Week Plan to Read the Book of Acts

Acts Reading Plan - A six-week plan to read through Acts

Jesus created the Church to accomplish his mission. With twists, turns, and bumps along the road, the Early Church began with the power of the Holy Spirit and a collection of changed lives. You can use this free plan to read through the book of Acts, Luke's second volume...

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News from The Pour Over

News from The Pour Over

An enjoyable email summary of the biggest news of the day, paired with brief Christian perspectives...

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From Davenport to Couch: Why Language Development Matters in Bible Translations

From Davenport to Couch: Why Language Development Matters in Bible Translations

The Bible was written by people who spoke and wrote in languages other than English. Unless you learn to read it in its original languages, then it must be translated in order for you to read it. Language changes over time. My grandparents called it a davenport. My parents called it a...

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Tools to Help with Controversial Interpretations

Tools to Help with Controversial Interpretations

Recently a friend asked me about a book he was reading. It had caught him off guard, he said. The book addressed Psalm 23 but felt confusing. It seemed to undermine much of what one might expect. “The Lord is my shepherd.” You’ve likely already heard this poetic chapter, perhaps at a funeral. “This kind of destroys our thinking about Psalm 23,” my friend said. Then he sent a screenshot of a page from the book. He mentioned how it bothered him...

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Strategies for Spiritual Growth: How to Move Forward When You Seem Stuck

Grace That Transforms: Finding Freedom from Sin’s Shackles

Understanding Forgiveness, Repentance, and Justification in Christ. The Bible is God’s written word. God told people what to write down in the Bible. It is true and trustworthy. The Bible has two parts called the Old Testament and the New Testament. It also has smaller parts called books. There are 66 books in the Bible. The first book is called Genesis...

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Strategies for Spiritual Growth: How to Move Forward When You Seem Stuck

Strategies for Spiritual Growth: How to Move Forward When You Seem Stuck

We are instructed by God to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). But how does that work? As a kid, I grew taller and stronger just simply by existing. So why doesn't the same thing happen spiritually? Lack of spiritual progress can feel very frustrating. Why is it that we sometimes feel the same spiritually as we did long ago?...

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Refusing to Wait for Heaven

Refusing to Wait for Heaven

Do I have to wait for heaven to receive blessings from Jesus? What if my life needs blessings right now? What did Jesus mean when he said he makes all things new? What if I refuse to wait? This book will change your entire perspective on life, salvation, and heaven...

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A Grateful Reply: A guided journal of thanksgiving

A Grateful Reply: A guided journal of thanksgiving

This book includes several chapters designed to help guide you through a meditation on thanksgiving. In addition to these biblical teachings, you’ll also find sixty thoughts on Thanksgiving, one per page. Each thought begins with a Bible quote, collected from the Old and New Testaments, designed to spur your thinking...

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Risking Leadership: Training Timothy for today’s church

Risking Leadership: Training Timothy for today’s church

Leadership is no simple task. To lead in a godly way involves a considerable amount of risk. Paul understood this truth when the Holy Spirit inspired him to write his first letter to his disciple, Timothy. By studying Timothy’s ministry (as recorded in Acts) and the instruction he received from Paul, we...

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Illuminate: Bringing John's first letter to light

Illuminate: Bringing John's first letter to light

You are the light of the world. Do you believe it? Can you see evidence of it in your life? Perhaps a better question would be: Can others? We understand that life here is frustrating, broken, and confusing because we live in a system that is opposite to...

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Purpose at the Park: A simple four-step community outreach guide

Purpose at the Park: A simple four-step community outreach guide

This book is an excellent resource to guide you through a simple plan to reach out to your local community. Based upon the acronym PARK, these weekly readings teach you how to Pray for the people you meet, Ask engaging questions, Recruit them to worship, and Keep On building a...

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BEST SELLER: The Daily Devo - Volume 1

BEST SELLER: The Daily Devo - Volume 1

Are you struggling to make time with God in your life? One Bible verse, one paragraph of application, and a one-sentence prayer - These simple devotions are perfect to start off your day or finish it...

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The Daily Devo - Volume 2

The Daily Devo - Volume 2

Thousands of people have already been blessed by the devotional materials in volume 1. Now add yourself to the list of those who enjoy volume 2. No more struggles trying to make time for God in your life. One Bible verse, one paragraph of application, and a one-sentence prayer - These simple devotions are perfect to...

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Teaching Philosophy - Steve Baney

Teaching Philosophy

When asked to identify the greatest commandment, Jesus answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Part of the way we love God with our mind is by...

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Backpack Blessing: Free Resource

Recognizing the importance of our schools and education, I’ve designed a plan to pray for and bless students and school staff. Choose a Sunday before the beginning of a new school year. Ask students to bring their backpack with them to worship. Designate readers. Along with the special ceremony and prayer, gift ideas include colorful pencils, fun notebooks, and gift cards.

The Backpack Blessing includes Scripture readings and speaking parts for the pastor, nursery coordinator, a board member, children's ministry director, and a volunteer teacher. You may adapt it to fit your context.

Access the free Backpack Blessing. If you decide to use it, please kindly let me know. The resource is © 2014 Steve Baney, approved for use by your church, not to be shared with other congregations.

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All Saint's Day Worship Experience

All Saints Day is traditionally celebrated on November 1 or the following Sunday to remember and honor those who have died and gone to heaven. This worship experience is designed as a large group gathering or as an open-house. Worshippers progress individually through seven stations, each designed to...

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Good Friday Worship Experience: Seven stations of contemplative worship

This worship experience is designed as an open-house. Worshippers progress individually through seven stations, each designed to engage with an additional aspect of Christ's suffering on our behalf. Stations include...

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More books...

The question isn't whether you will lead people; it's where you will lead them.

Shaping Worship Book

Whether you're holding a microphone, playing a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, the example you set can either lead people toward worship or away from it. Worship leaders around the world have benefitted from applying the lessons in this book.

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(c) 2024 Steve Baney