
Steve Baney, PhD

Being trapped in sin is like living without being alive. Some are ignorant to their spiritual death. Others are apathetic. Many feel hopeless. This was the way I felt, hopelessly trapped in sin.

I'd like to share with you the story of how Jesus Christ changed my life. At a very young age, I learned about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. My parents faithfully took me to worship and even paid to send me to a private Christian school. While some students were just learning about math, science, and language, I was learning these things and learning about my Lord Jesus. He paid the price for my sin to offer me grace, forgiveness, and cleansing. To seek his forgiveness and offer my heart to him, I was baptized by my father who was an elder in the church. My baptism showed everyone the cleansing and renewal God was doing within my new heart.

When I reached high school, I began to carefully consider my life-long choices. I felt the tension between giving into temptation and living the new life that Christ promised me. I knew that God had an eternal purpose for me, but wasn't sure what that was. In the midst of this season of life, my mom gave me my first devotional book. She wanted me to spend quality time with our God. This was transformational!

I continually became more involved with the youth group at our church. My youth pastor became a strong influence upon me, especially his passion for Jesus. Through my mentoring relationship with my pastor and the encouragement of my parents, I made Jesus the number one passion of my life too. In the summer of 1996, God spoke clearly to me through a Christian teacher. It was as if everything he said answered all my secret questions. I knew that God wanted me to surrender my life to him completely, including my sinful heart and my future career.

From the time I was saved and baptized, I learned what it meant to be a Christ-follower. I learned that following Jesus Christ meant turning away from my sin. For a time, I thought forgiveness was enough. I looked forward to eternity in heaven. But I wanted to be free in this life today, and yet I didn't know how.

As I studied and read my Bible, I learned from Peter that as we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. I trusted Jesus' prayer for his followers when he asked the Father to "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." God's Word promised that he would give me a new heart. I needed his presence to fill my life. I needed his cleansing to remove my sin and guilt. And I needed his strength to say no to temptation. So I began asking God to take away my sinful desires and to replace them with his pure desires. Jesus taught that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed for they will be filled. And I thank Jesus that through his Holy Spirit he kept his promise of sanctifying grace!

Now I am free to love with a pure heart. I have seen God work in my life, accomplishing what seemed impossible. And I know he can bring freedom and life to all people. I want to be a part of bringing the Way, Truth, and Life to others. My interest and desire for ministry has increased steadily since I was a teenager. Now I am ready to answer, as Isaiah did, "I'm here Lord. Send me." I have found life and hope in Christ. I desire to share that same grace with others!

The question isn't whether you will lead people; it's where you will lead them.

Whether you're holding a microphone, playing a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, the example you set can either lead people toward worship or away from it. Worship leaders around the world have benefitted from applying the lessons in this book.