Pray at 8 Header Image

What if a simple alarm on your phone could change someone’s eternity?

Set an alarm for 8 PM every day. When it chimes, take a moment to pray for three people you know who need Jesus. Imagine what could happen if we all did this together—lives transformed, families restored, faith ignited! Prayer isn’t just a wish; it’s powerful and effective. It changes hearts. And it starts with you and me.

Don’t just scroll past—grab your phone, set that alarm for 8 PM, and start praying. If you don’t know who your 3 people are, pray for God to show you. Tag a friend who will do this with you. Let’s make prayer impossible to ignore!

Ready to join?

I've created a Facebook group to encourage and equip you to pray for people who need Jesus. The group provides a space for accountability, motivation, and shared commitment to interceding for those who don’t yet know Jesus. Through Scripture, encouragement, and regular check-ins, members are reminded to stay faithful in their prayers and to trust that God is working in the lives of those they are praying for. The goal is to foster a supportive community that stays focused on the mission of reaching the lost through persistent, intentional prayer.


Pray at 8

Am I Worthy of God's Help? - Luke 7 Some people are hard on themselves. They remember all the things they've done wrong and conclude that they aren't worthy of God's help. Unworthy of healing. Unworthy of salvation. Guilty as charged. Are they right?... Miraclues - The Weirdest Details You Missed - Luke 4 Have you ever read a biblical text and thought, "Wait, what just happened here?" That’s exactly how this rollercoaster chapter feels where Jesus resists the Tempter’s tricks, stirs up both awe and anger in various towns, and casually silences a demon in the middle of worship. Yes, in the synagogue. There’s a lot to unpack here — patterns, responses, and some seriously weird moments. So grab your coffee (or your Hebrew scroll), and let’s dive into this wild ride of a demon yelling at Jesus. Sound interesting yet? Keep reading!... More Amazing Books by Steve Baney. Though I didn't publish any new books in 2024, I still recommend you buy and read all the books in this online bookstore. You'll find books about Christian living, disciple-making, gratitude, leadership, and some for the young-at-heart.  
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  22  Years in pastoral ministry
  38  Baptisms
  31  Books Published